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The Serious Game for KTUH FM, built on the Makahiki game framework.

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Welcome to Makahiki-KTUH

You're reading the official page for Makahiki KTUH, home of the KTUH Pledge-a-Thon, a serious game with the two-fold goal of capacity building and raising funds. Not only is the game really fun: it fosters the communities of our DJs and our beloved listeners, and fulfills KTUH's stated mission.

Stepping Up Our Game

The game's core purpose is to develop the individual capacities of KTUH’s army of volunteer DJs, by providing training in the various roles that need to be filled in a college radio station. Through teaching the radio trade, encouraging collaboration, creating and managing any manner of projects, the game also provides the KTUH volunteer players with a meaningful experience, gives them freedom to act in the game as they wish, and presents opportunities to master new roles at the station.

Bringing Home the Bacon

Secondly—and optionally—the Pledge-a-Thon lets listeners in on the action. Through the game, it is possible merely to spectate and observe the progress being made by the volunteer-DJs. Going a step further, it is possible to sponsor individual DJs of the listener's choosing, pledging to give a fixed amount for every hour of volunteered time, or for points earned in the game.

Continuing the Mission

As a training system, the game fulfills a major part of KTUH’s mission, to serve the students of the university system. By involving and providing a service for the broader community (the other part of KTUH’s mission), the game fulfills the other part of KTUH's mission, as well as opportunities to raise funds for the station.

To learn all about the game and how it works, please check out our official wiki: (

Authors and Contributors

Makahiki is a serious game framework developed by the Collaborative Software Development Laboratory (@csdl) at the University of Hawaii, sponsored in part by the National Science Foundation. It is being extended and further developed for KTUH's needs by Ray Reyes (@socialray) and Davey Wilkie (@daveywilkie).

Support or Contact

Having trouble with Pages? Check out the documentation at or contact and we’ll help you sort it out.

The Original Pledge-a-Thon

This fundraising concept was inspired by the MS Readathon fundraiser, that Davey and countless others have enjoyed as a young kid.